The best way to make money is to save money. Most people rem all, repair all and don't realize they are paying too much for repairs. Why? because no one rolls 18 cha for characters unless they plan on using them to only buy stuff. 18 cha is a waste of much needed stats but when repairing.. having high cha will save millions (literally) after a long day of running. All you need is a few pieces of cha eq to wear while you pay for repairs.
Best items for cha:
Colorful scarf (level 5 neck) 3 cha (way cheap and buyable too!)
Black lace brassiere (avish level body) 4 cha (people tend to throw em away after dobra kills. KEEP THEM)
Ruby encrusted necklace (level 10 neck) 4 cha (but there is a very short and slightly costly puzzle to make them)
Bright ruby (level 2 head+/ hold) 2 cha (off the carbuncle in green forest)
Note: I haven't really listed that much... cause 2 necks + body takes care of most chars... with a ruby or two.. you can max any character with 9 cha which will reduce prices for your repair. (3+3+4 = 10 easiest combo and very cheap and easy to get too. 4+4+4 =12 is overkill but helps max if you have trollish on)
Anyhow.. a quick comparison to make my point.
9 cha: (note very little eq damage)
Bugelii the blacksmith tells you, 'It will cost 15600 pieces of gold to repair Collar of Abyssal Servitude'
Bugelii the blacksmith tells you, 'It will cost 80361 pieces of gold to repair darkness'
Bugelii the blacksmith tells you, 'It will cost 78000 pieces of gold to repair a strand of polished jade'
21 cha: (thief, same eq as above just higher cha appraise)
Bugelii the blacksmith tells you, 'It will cost 10800 pieces of gold to repair Collar of Abyssal Servitude'
Bugelii the blacksmith tells you, 'It will cost 55635 pieces of gold to repair darkness'
Bugelii the blacksmith tells you, 'It will cost 54000 pieces of gold to repair a strand of polished jade'
Savings are basically.. 1/3rd of the 9 cha price. so 3 repairs later, you basically saved yourself a whole repair's worth of money! Just get an alias to repair!
Here's one for zmud:
#AL repairme {#2 finditem scarf;finditem brassiere;rem all;#2 wear scarf;wear brassiere;repair all;#2 rem scarf;rem brassiere;wear all}
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